sanaa haddad مديرة ومساهمة في شركة HUDSOTRADE LIMITED
SARASITA INYESTMENT S.A ممثلة رياض الداودي تميم الداودي نسرين الداودي محمد سمير الميداني ميسون رمضان أنس الميداني علاء الدين الميداني منار الشويكي ماهر الشويكي أحد المصادر: الجريدة الرسمية
SECLL-Comanhiaeral de cal cimento أحد المصادر: الجريدة الرسمية
Sener Dunuk position Sener Dunuk is a member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Sergey A. Vostrikov position Deputy Branch Manager... More on Sayari.com
SERGEY GORESLAVSKY from_date:2016-07-04, from_date:2016-07-04, from_date:2016-07-04, from_date:2016-07-04, from_date:20... More on Sayari.com
SERGEY LADYGIN from_date:2016-07-04, position Director of, from_date:2016-07-04, from_date:2016-07-04, position Dir... More on Sayari.com
Sergey Surovikin Russian general, he was the commander of Russian military operations in Syria and Ukraine, nicknames "General Armageddon", "Syrian butcher" or "Butcher of Aleppo". The ACF (the Anti-Corruption Foundation), affiliated with Russian opposition figure Alex Navalny, revealed that it is tracking the bank data of the Argus SFK Sawmill, which is owned by Anna Borisovna Surovikina, wife of General Sergey Surovikin, which is officially engaged in logging in the Sverdlovsk region, has Regularly received money from Gennady Timchenko's firm, STG Logistic, in just six months in 2020-2021, amounting to 104 million rubles (equiv. USD 1,7).
SEYED MORTEZA MINAYE HASHEMI position Seyed Morteza Minaye Hashemi is a member of Hizballah, position Seyed Morteza Minaye Hashem... More on Sayari.com
SHAYKH MUHAMMAD HUSAYN FADLALLAH position Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah is a Former Member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Sheikh Obeid position Sheikh Obeid is an associate of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Shibl Muhsin ’Ubayd Al-Zaydi position Shibl Muhsin ’Ubayd Al-Zaydi is an associate of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Siavosh Henareh position Siavosh Henareh is an associate of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
SOBHI MAHMOUD FAYAD position Sobhi Mahmoud Fayad is a member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
SUBHI TUFAYLI position Subhi Tufayli is a Former Member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
SUHEL WASFI SAEED متعاقد مع منظمات أممية بين ٢٠١٩ و٢٠٢٠
SULAIMAN RASHID KHAMIS ZAYED AL-ALI مدير شركة Morgan Additives Manufacturing Co
SULEMAN ALMUSTAFA متعاقد مع منظمات أممية بين ٢٠١٩ و٢٠٢٠
SULTAN KHALIFAH AS’AD Not available... More on Sayari.com
Talal Khalil Chahine position Talal Khalil Chahine is a member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Talal Roda position Talal Roda is a member of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com
Talib Husayn Ali Jarak Ismail position Talib Husayn Ali Jarak Ismail is a member of Hizballah, position Talib Husayn Ali Jarak Ism... More on Sayari.com
Tamjid Abdulla Almohtadi أحد المصادر: الجريدة الرسمية
TARIQ FARID AL OTHMAN position Member of the board of, position Member of the board of... More on Sayari.com
Tawfiq Muhammad Said Al-law position Tawfiq Muhammad Said Al-law is an associate of Hizballah... More on Sayari.com