DENKO تقديم خدمات هندسية واستشارية وتوريدات تشارك في مناقصات وزارة الرى لتوريد التجهيزات والمواد لمحطات الضخ ومحطات التحويل وقطع التبديل
SOV INTERFOD The Russian company studied and designed several projects in Syria, including: “Faqi Hassan” in Latakia, the “Irrigating the Southern Aleppo Plains” project, the “Tadef Plains” and “Al-Bab Plains” irrigation project, the water supply tunnel to irrigate the southern Aleppo plains, and the “KhanTuman Dam”, project to impound the Al-Sakhabah Dam Lake and project to impound the Beit Yashout valley Stream and Basin.