IGOR VLADIMIROVICH KAZAK He has been a director at Tymoshenko's Stroytransgaz since 2015. Kazak then became president of Stroytransgaz Logistic in 2016, until mid-2017. He also worked as general director of Stroytransgaz Engineering between 2015 and 2020.
Zakhid Shakhsuvarof was Stroytransgaz Logistic’s manager in Syria in 2018, is also currently listed as the manager of Timchenko’s official Stroytransgaz subsidiary in Syria in the Ministry of Economy’s directory of foreign companies.
Yuri Shafranik Chairman of the Russian Soyuzneftegaz Company, partner in Gulfsands Petroleum, and former Russian Minister of Energy,
حقول نفط الثورة-بلوك 22 An oil field extending over a wide geographical area, starting from the Lebanese border in the Qalamoun region in the Damascus countryside in the southwest of Syria to the Euphrates River in the northeast. It has been invested by the Russian company "STG Engineering" since March 2020
شركة الوطنية لخدمات الغاز والطاقة شارك في تأسيسها محمد حسام الخياط ثم انتقلت ملكية حصته للشركاء "شيشكلي" و"الغندور". يحق للشركة تنفيذ كافة الأعمال التي تتعلق بخدمات الطاقة (بترول – غاز – كهرباء)
Block No. 7 An oil field located in Al-Hasakah Governorate, extending over an area of 9,531 km, invested by the Russian company MERCURY.
Block No. 19 Block No. 19 is an oil field, invested by the Russian company MERCURY
Block No. 23 Block No. 23 is a gas field located north of Damascus, extending over an area of 2,159 square kilometers.
EAST MED AMRIT S.A Soyuzneftegaz East Med signed a contract with the General Petroleum Corporation for oil and gas exploration in Offshore Block No. 2 in 2013 as a Russian company. Then it changed its name and nationality to become Panamanian EAST MED AMRIT S.A. The names of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the parent company do not appear in the company’s documents in Panama. Yuri Shafranik, or the authorized signatory director in Syria, Gissa Guchtel, while the names of legal representatives from Panama appear, a method used to benefit owners who wish to hide their identities.
Soyuzneftegaz East Med It signed a contract with the General Petroleum Corporation for oil and gas exploration in Offshore Block No. 2 in 2013 as a Russian company, then it changed its name and nationality to become Panamanian EAST MED AMRIT S.A. The names of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the parent company, Yuri Shafranik, do not appear in the company documents in Panama. Or the authorized signatory director in Syria, Gissa Guchtel, while the names of legal representatives from Panama appear, a method used for the benefit of owners who wish to hide their identities.
Sea Block No. 2 One of the areas of the Syrian share in the marine exploration area in the so-called Levant Basin, off the coasts of Syria, Lebanon and Israel along the eastern Mediterranean. It is an area of 2,977 square kilometers off the Syrian coast, which was invested by the Russian company Soyuzneftegaz East Med, which changed its name and nationality to become EAST MED AMRIT S.A. Panamanian.
Sea Block No. 1 One of the areas of the Syrians share in the marine exploration area in the so-called Levant Basin, off the coasts of Syria, Lebanon and Israel along the eastern Mediterranean, there are disagreements over the demarcation of the region’s borders with Lebanon. It is an area of 2,977 square kilometers off the Syrian coast, invested by the Russian company KAPITAL, which is linked to the founder of the Wagnar Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin.
CAPITAL LLC The company signed an agreement with the General Petroleum Corporation to explore for oil in offshore block number one in Syria’s exclusive economic zone in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Tartous Governorate, for a period of 32 years.